Concept of Sustainability in Textile Industry

Sustainability in the textile industry implies practicing the production and consumption of reusable, regenerative, and recyclable green textiles. Which helps to prevent emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants.

Sustainability in Textiles is the concept of meeting the demands of textiles in the present and future without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their essential needs. 

The concept of sustainability in textiles depends on the 3 pillars. These are:

1) social, 2) economic, and 3) environmental. And also known informally as 1) profits, 2) planet, 3) and people.

The objective of Textile Sustainability

Textile Sustainability 5 Main Goals are: as

  1. To use natural resources in a productive way.
  2. Reduce the total textile production cost as well as waste generation.
  3. Focused on Textile Sustainable Developments. It focuses on environmental, economic, as well as in cultural development.
  4. Encourage Advanced Textile technological progress in the Productive apparel production process.
  5. Best Utilizing the consumption of natural resources. Such as water, plants, soils, and so on.

Importance of sustainability in the textile

Sustainability in textiles is the most important term in the current textile industry. It indicates eco-friendly, producing cheap, as well as biodegradable textiles and apparel with sustainable textile fiber and fabric. Sustainability in textiles’ main goal is to accomplish the most essential issue to reduce the textile waste issue in the current textile industry.

Current environmental challenges

The key concern about the sustainable textile industry is CO2 emissions, huge water consumption, and wastewater disposal. These are the main environmental changes facing today. Key Sustainability Challenges in the Textile Industry are as:

A. Water consumption and pollution
B. Chemical usage and hazardous waste
C. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
D. Waste management and recycling
E. Labor rights and social responsibility

Concept of Sustainability in Textile Industry

Here are some details about the environmental challenges faced by the textile industry:

  1. Water Consumption and Pollution: The textile manufacturing process requires huge amounts of water. Especially a cotton t-shirt manufacturing process needs 2700L water. A Denim jeans need up to 10000L of water during dyeing, washing, and other finishing processes. This high water demand exacerbates water scarcity issues in many regions. Especially in developing countries where textile products have been outsourced to production in unsafe work environments and lower labor costs. Moreover, untreated or wastewater from dyeing and finishing units is often discharged into water bodies. Which causes major pollution and harms aquatic ecosystems.
  2. Chemical Usage and Hazardous Waste: The textile wet process involves various dyeing and finishing treatments where different complex dyes, bleaching agents, and finishing agents are used widely. Most of the time industries don’t implement ETP properly and dispose of these chemicals directly. Moreover, some processing has significant risks to human health and the environment as well, such as PP spray, and sandblasting in denim dry processing.
  3. Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions: The textile industry is an energy-intensive industry. It relies on fossil fuel-based energy sources. This contributes to high CO2 gas emissions. Other gases like Sulper and Ozone are used in different textile finishing units. Most of these gases are directly emitted into the environment.
  4. Waste Management and Recycling: Textile manufacturing units generate tons of waste. Such as water and dye-based waste, residual fabric cut pieces, yarn waste, and unsold or used clothing. The disposal of textile waste in landfills leads to serious environmental degradation. Most of the time proper waste management and recycling are not properly done in most of the factories.
  5. Labor Rights and Social Responsibility: Beyond the environmental challenges, the sustainable textile industry faces serious issues related to labor rights and social responsibility. Most of the time developed nations source textile clothing from developing countries for low-cost benefits. This lends the textile industry to unfair working conditions, low wages, and a lack of worker safety in production premises. Ethical practices in manufacturing and ensuring the well-being of labor are essential for a sustainable textile industry.

Addressing these environmental challenges requires a holistic approach that encompasses sustainable practices throughout the entire textile supply chain. From adopting eco-friendly materials and production processes to implementing efficient water and energy management strategies, the industry needs to embrace environmentally conscious practices. Collaborative efforts among textile manufacturers, policymakers, consumers, and other stakeholders are vital to drive positive change and promote a more sustainable future for the textile industry.

Here sustainability in textiles comes into the role.

Sustainable Practices Should Implement in Textile Manufacturing

Concept of Sustainability in Textile Industry

To save our environment from these hazardous impacts of textile manufacturing, the industry should adopt sustainable practices. Such as:

  1. Select Sustainable textile fiber and fabric options during production.
  2. Create Water conservation and pollution prevention strategies:
    • Implement ETP in every textile.
    • Take water recycling and reuse projects.
    • Use efficient dyeing and finishing techniques.
    • Implementation of water treatment systems.
  3. Proper Chemical management and reduction
    • Make restricted substance lists (RSLs)
    • Substitution of hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives
    • Proper dye chemical storage and handling procedures
  4. Renewable energy adoption, and energy management systems
    • Utilization of solar and wind power
    • Implement energy-efficient machinery and equipment
  5. Take waste management and recycling initiatives
    • Recycling of textile waste and scrap
    • Composting and biodegradable materials
  6. Social Sustainability and Ethical Practices
    • Fairtrade and responsible sourcing
    • Ensuring safe working conditions and fair wages
    • Social welfare programs and community engagement


This article will help us to understand the Textile Industry and Its Environmental Impact on the textile industry’s contribution to pollution, waste, and resource depletion. The concept of sustainability in textiles helps to overcome the challenges and leads us to a better future for the upcoming generation.

u003cstrongu003eWhat is Sustainability?u003c/strongu003e

Sustainability is the concept of u003cstrongu003efulfilling the needs and wants of current society without compromising the demands of the future.u003c/strongu003e It will ensure a proper balance of local, national, and individual entities’ economic growth, environmental care, and social well-being.

u003cstrongu003eWhat is sustainability in textiles?u003c/strongu003e

Sustainable textile refers to the whole manufacturing process where textile material is produced from fiber to fabric. That must come from eco-friendly ways and resources. Like, sustainably grown fiber crops or recycled textile fiber with the help of natural dye and sustainable techniques.

Why is sustainability important in textiles?

Textile is one the of most polluted industries, which is responsible for about 20% of global clean water pollution from textile dyeing and finishing apparel products. Washing synthetic clothes responsible for 35% of primary microplastics released into the eco-system. Overall textile and fashion industries generate 8–10% of global carbon emissions.

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