How to Write for us Jewellery

Md Mahedi Hasan


Are you seeking to know how to write for us jewellery for guest posting? Writing for jewellery blogs or content is a demanding way to reach jewellery lovers and connect with them through your extensive knowledge about this sector. By writing a jewelry guest post you can grab the attention of those people who are jewellery freaks and also you can share your unique perspective about design and trends. 

Guest blogs about jewellery give you the chance to provide your viewpoint. By using guest posts you can reach out to new audiences and reach a wider platform. Along with the trend, many changes are coming in the jewelry industry. However, if you keep up-to-date knowledge about trends and can keep your ideas aligned with continuous changes, then you’ll easily gain acceptance as a jewellery guest post writer.

Let’s join us to explore the key strategies and make sure your jewelry guest post captures the attention of target audiences. In this guideline, we’ll unlock the key steps to create a guest post that resonates with readers and grabs the attention of editors. Hope you will learn every basic that you need to make a lasting impression in the competitive world of jewellery blogging.

How to Submit Jewelry Guest Post

Let’s go learn how to create a guest post about the jewellery section in a very detailed way. In this content, we will be familiar with how to choose the best and proper platform for guest posting and also we will gain an understanding of creating an engaging suggestion.

Step 1: Identify the Proper Platform

Before starting any work, we always need to know which platform will best match the topic we are working on. So choosing the right and best platform that aligns properly with your content topic should be the priority for your guest post. Here we discuss some techniques to help you find the appropriate platform properly.

For identifying the proper platform any social media communities and search engines can be the best option to find jewellery websites that are open to this topic-related guest posts. Also, you can try to connect your niche-related social accounts which can be another way to discover your content-related blogs or websites. Then you should analyze whether their platform contains similar posts that you want to post or not and accept guest posts related to jewelry.

Frequently used keyword searches

Here give you a list of the keywords that are most used for searching jewellery-related sites and niches.

Image: Keyword Research

write a guest post jewellery

Beautiful jewellery

jewellery “become a contributor”

 jewellery + guest post

guest post + jewellery

handmade jewellery

trendy jewellery

submit guest post + fashion

“jewellery” + “become a contributor”

“jewellery” “submit a guest article

 “guest post” + jewellery

 jewellery submit guest post

jewellery “guest post” guest post+ornaments

jewellery “submit a guest post”

jewellery + “write for us” + guest post

jewellery + write for us + guest post

jewellery + “write for us” + guest post

guest posting+ornaments

write for us + jewellery

write to us jewellery

“submit a guest post”

“ornaments” “become a contributor”

jewellery blog post

jewellery blog submit guest post

jewellery guest post service

jewellery guest post websites

jewellery guest post written for us

jewellery guest posting

jewellery guest posting sites

jewellery guest posts

gemstones guest post

gemstones guest post write for us

guest posting + gemstones

guest posting luxury jewellery

gems blogs write for us

guest posting sites ornaments

luxury jewellery blogs write for us

luxury ornaments blogs write for us

submit a guest post + jewellery

write for us + jewellery + guest post

“jewellery” + “write for us”

jewellery” + become a contributor

Submission Criteria

After having identified possible sites, look over their guest posting guidelines. Each may want your word count, formatting, and topics of interest differently. Make sure the content fits their audience, and follow instructions to the letter to raise your chances of acceptance. By closely following the guidelines, you prove your professionalism and substantially enhance your possibility of being accepted.

Analyse Previous Guest Blogs

To get a clear idea you must read previous posts on the sites. It will help you a lot to create similar category posts that fit with their platform. On the other hand, some websites have their own format. It will be more helpful for you if you get a proper outline from them. Clear understanding will make it easier for you to construct a guest post to fit in with the rest, knowing what they’re expecting from the platform will improve your chances of acceptance.


Suppose you want to write a guest post about handmade jewelry, you might start off by searching for blogs or websites with a similar focus something like DIY HANDMADE JEWELRY. Such a platform would probably gain readers who are interested in traditional outlook, fashion, and jewelry.

STEP 2: Create an Engaging Speech

After identifying the right platform now you need to create engaging speech and post. At first, you create a brief sales talk that contains an intro of yourself, your guest post idea, and why it is suitable to the platform’s idea. For trustworthiness, beginning by outlining your experience or background in the jewelry industry is essential. A detailed intro will show your professionalism and dedication, which definitely gives you a good impression from the publisher.


Subject: Guest Post Submission on [Your Topic] for [Platform Name]Dear [Editor’s Name],
My name is [Your Name], and I am a jewelry enthusiast with [Number of Years] years of experience in [related field, e.g., jewelry design or writing]. I will be grateful if I can be allowed to send in a guest post entitled “The Most Trendy Designs in Simple Jewelry” for your great platform. This article appeals to the taste and interest of your readers. Below is a short summary of the attached post. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Your Name]

STEP 3: Create a high-quality guest post in Jewelry

As your pitch has been accepted now your turn to write an eye-catching and informative post. Here are tips you may want to consider so your article keeps expectations met.

Follow the platform guidelines properly. You need to engage with your audience to pay particular attention to what they want to read about. Do your readers like reading about updated trends? Styling tips? Care for their gemstones?

Also, you can attach attractive topic-related images to gather readers’ interest.

Example :

 “The Most Trendy  Designs in Simple Jewellery

Give a short introduction to the quick appearance of minimalist jewelry.

Describe designs in detail of popular delicate rings and necklaces, even sharing some options on how one can wear them.

Attaching pictures of minimalist ensembles will make the article more appealing.

Step 4: Review and Revise Your Post

Before you actually make a submission for a guest post, carefully go through your guest post to make sure that it needs any edits or not and ensure that your post is error-free. Here are a few useful hints:

Reading your own article loudly is the best solution for catching errors. You will be surprised at how this strategy helps you catch awkward phrasing or repetition of words. On the internet, there are more Tools available such as QuillBot or Grammarly that will help with grammar and sentence construction.

Step 5: Submit Your Guest Post 

After refining your article, it is time to submit it. For a smooth submission, follow the guidelines provided on the platform. 

Guidelines for Submission

Re-check the whole guide whether your article is within the guidelines set by the platform or not. You can add a bio, a little biography about yourself,  that introduces you to the readers.

Last but not least, If you haven’t heard in a few weeks any response from them, it is a good idea to send a polite follow-up confirming that your submission has been received and also ask what the status is.

Example :

For the purposes of this example, assume the platform requires articles to be 750 words and requires a brief bio of the author. Your post should meet the word limit and include a bio such as:

*[Your Name] is a jewelry designer and writer with an interest in handmade jewelry. When not creating unique designs, [Your Name] enjoys sharing insights on trends within the realm of jewelry and how to wear it.


What do I include in my pitch for a jewellery guest post?

Include a short introduction of yourself, your expertise related to jewelry, the topic you would want to write about, and why it would interest their readers.

How to choose the right topic for a jewellery guest post?

Focus on topics that create hype for the audience of the platform, for instance, sustainable jewelry, styling tips, guides to different types of gemstones, or even trends in the jewelry sector.

How to promote my jewellery guest post more?

Choosing the best platform that has huge traffic that kind of website gives you more promotion.

Should I include examples of my previous work related to jewelry?

Yes, if possible, adding links to relevant past work builds your credibility and showcases your experience in jewelry writing.


A guest jewelry post is the best way to share knowledge and reach a bigger audience. You will practically increase your possibilities of being accepted if you choose the right platform, learn about their preferences, and develop an interesting approach. By using all of these steps, you will surely obtain a never-breaking relationship with publishers and branding in the jewelry industry.

About the Author

Md Mahedi Hasan

Mahedi Hasan working as an Executive in Fabric Marketing at Textile Suppliers Ltd. Graduated with B.Sc. in Textile Engineering. Before was a Top Rated content writer at Upwork, and Level 02 Seller at Fiverr, Level 02 Publisher at Ezoic. Very passionate about content writing, SEO practice, and fashion website designing. Highly Experienced fashion writer for the last 4+ years. Have extensive 7 years of experience in the wholesale clothing business.


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