Yarn Manufacturing Process Step by Step: Learn the Basics

Md Mahedi Hasan


The days of Charkha and Carder have passed already. Depending on the textile fabrics, the yarn manufacturing process of yarn starts and ends with getting new properties at each step. Let’s know Yarn Manufacturing with me, Step by Step.

What is the Yarn Manufacturing Process Mean?

The yarn manufacturing process refers to the process sequence where raw fibers get converted into yarn to be ultimately useful in the end products.

Usually, in yarn making case, a tangled fiber package goes through a continuous operation of blending, mixing, and carding, revolving to spinning, to transform. Moreover, the step-by-step process ends up, in the end, products such as apparel, and industrial fabrics. All these properties of end users are the function of the processing conditions of the yarn manufacturing.

How Cotton Yarn Manufacturing Process Differs Step-by-Step Process?

Around 50% of the textile fiber consumption connects to cotton. It all depends on the raw cotton fiber amount that helps in manufacturing textile materials. Around 90 million bales are annually produced worldwide.

Ginning is the prior step of cotton making. At Ginning, it separates the cotton fiber from the seed balls. Also, it separates the dust particles. The 2nd Step is the process of blow room. It opens fiber from the cotton bales and cleans the dust removed from the cotton fibers, and there is a task of blending. Blending tasks happen whenever it is needed. After that, there is a series of mechanical manufacturing processes involved. Check out the summary table to get the entire information.

Spinning process step by step:

Process or Step NameDescription
GinningSeparating cotton fibers from the cotton seed bales.
Blow Room OperationFiber opening from cotton bales and cleaning them.
CardingDisentangling fiber neps is the main task here. It also eliminates the short-length fiber and fiber orientation.
DrawingDraw frame is a step where a series of silver layers pass through in improving the fiber’s evenness. It rotates at different speeds intending to draw and make roves.
CombingThe roving step gets into the ring frame. It goes through yarn-making using drafting and twisting. This step imparts fiber strength.
RovingThis step aligns the fibers. The draw frame silver becomes thick here. Also, the roving step is known as the Simplex.
Ring FrameThe roving step gets into the Ring-frame. It goes through yarn-making using drafting and twisting. This step imparts fiber strength.
Cotton Yarn Manufacturing Process names
  • The given table is a summary of steps, which are a part of the spinning process of cotton yarn manufacturing. After the ring frame step, ring spinning steps occur where the process goes through drafting, building up, and winding. After this stage, the yarn bobbin gets situated on the spindle whereas the delivered yarn becomes wound on the yarn bobbin place. [Yarn bobbin is a cylinder or spindle-shaped thing where the yarn gets wound]

Major Step-by-Step Yarn Manufacturing Process List

It is widely known to all that ballroom fibers are suitable for starting the manufacturing process of yarn. In reality, this situation is a far cry. Rather, you must focus on preparing suitably for the yarn-making process through the following list of advice. Check them out before believing:

Step 1: The open-and-pick process or Harvest and Ginning

Here, anyone can collect fibers from bales as they get mixed to produce the yarn. The machine cleans all the impurities and makes the fibers loosen end to give it a form like a lap.

This process is also known as Ginning which we have seen in the cotton yarn manufacturing process. Here the fiber’s moisture level must be under the determination of the heat amount. The cotton clean is well-compressed into bales after the separation from the cotton seeds in the gin stand.

Step 2: Blow Room Line

After the impurities are cleaned up in the previous steps and the blow room. There is a homogenous material mixture process that extracts all the pre-existing dust. An Air process is a through-and-through step to be performed.

Here a few tasks happen, for instance:

Opening: Using a bale opener, the opening function gets performed. Here, the fibers get well-separated into tiny tufts.

Cleaning: Here, the unwanted foreign particles get eliminated.

Blending or Mixing: Mixing here means the step where the cotton fiber variety exists.

Step 3: Carding

Carding is called the heart of yarn spinning. The card machine is the most important in this step-by-step yarn manufacturing. Performing the function of cleaning is overwhelming in every sense.

A system of 3-wired cylinders works in a separation. The silvers (loose and relocated cotton fibers in the form of textiles) are available here. In this process, these uniform silvers are well-known as laps. It is temporarily stored here. Carding is nothing but a series of wire-wound cylinders.

 Step 4: Combing

To get a smooth yet finer yarn, fibers are important to be in the paralleling method of combing. Here, a comb device transforms fibers into a parallel form where short fibers always fall out of the strand.

Here, Fibers get into parallel arrangements where the process removes the length of short fibers. It also eliminates the remaining fiber trash. Meanwhile, the neps are not always removed in the operation of carding.

Step 5: Drawing

This process is about straightening silvers using a series of rollers. Here, each roller rotates at a faster speed. Not only does it play an essential role in yarn quality improvement but also this process minimizes the yarn elongation at break. In this stage, there are doubling and drafting 2 co-steps. Drawing is done by increasing the speed of the roller surface speed.

Doubling means a silver gets carded from more than 2 silvers. Whereas drafting is the crimped and hooked versions of fibers existing in the carded silvers.

Step 6: Simplex

Simplex is the machine that transforms the drawn silvers into a roving form. Here, roving is important in yielding yarn. The Creeling mechanism has the utilization here for stopping the machine whenever a silver breaks. Meanwhile, drafting minimizes or decreases the yarn strand size.

Step 7: Ring Spinning

A tiny twist has the performance here in strengthening the fiber strands. The roving gets shifted onto the bobbin. After that, the roving goes on to the bobbin and makes the package a bit handy to get forward.

Step 8: Winding

Here, the bobbins get wound onto the large packages. Here, yarn packages are large, called cones. It also gets shipped to the customer for maximum use.

Step 9: Conditioning

The yarn conditioning process adjusts the yarn moisture and improves efficiency.

Step 10: Bag Packing

This is the outer part of the spinning process. But this is the step where the manufacturing process of yarn ends.

Key Subjects of Considering the Process of Yarn Manufacturing

Before getting into the step-by-step manufacturing process, there are a few key subjects to consider. For instance:

a. Know your fiber type!

It is important to understand which fiber type is going into the process of this manufacturing of yarn. Stepwise, firstly, pluck seeds (in the case of cotton) carefully. Then, follow the mechanical process of ginning.

b. Learn the Spinning Process

Mostly, there are major spinning processes, for instance, cotton, wool, or worsted. The worsted ones are a long staple in the case of nature. Synthetic staple fibers are also applicable to get into this process. Always remember which fiber is suitable, and how the spinning process works for that specific fiber.

c. Follow Safe Practices

Safe practice is an essential part of the textile industry. Identifying the energy sources that provide hazardous energy sources. In transforming cotton fiber into yarn, there are a few more issues to consider. For instance:

1. Cotton Dust

Dust inhalation is one of the problems in the conversion of fiber to yarn. It causes lung diseases among workers mostly.

2. Noise

According to the US Standard, the noise level should be in a less increased form. Thanks to the noise engineers of industries that suggest increasing machinery speed to decrease the noise level.

3. High Temperature and Heat Stress

Careful monitoring is significant here to ensure the limits of maintaining temperature do not exceed the bar.

The occupational health management system must be aligned with the dangers that ought to occur without any prior alert.


What needs to be done after the yarn manufacturing process?

In the last stage, the spinning step, yarn size comes up with the determination of Tex unit and count. Also, ply is the combination of numbers where there are different sorts of properties. Yarn formation also becomes available for checking out. Moreover, the text report on the yarn quality is also available to discuss.


In the textile manufacturing process, there are a total of 5 steps to follow. Among them, yarn manufacturing is the second and the most important one. Here, fibers get cleaned up, sorted, and go through the process of blending to create yarns.

We believe the basic learning of the yarn manufacturing process has been delivered briefly here in this content. What should we bring next? Let us know! Mahedi is signing out. Cheers.

About the Author

Md Mahedi Hasan

Mahedi Hasan working as an Executive in Fabric Marketing at Textile Suppliers Ltd. Graduated with B.Sc. in Textile Engineering. Before was a Top Rated content writer at Upwork, and Level 02 Seller at Fiverr, Level 02 Publisher at Ezoic. Very passionate about content writing, SEO practice, and fashion website designing. Highly Experienced fashion writer for the last 4+ years. Have extensive 7 years of experience in the wholesale clothing business.


1 thought on “Yarn Manufacturing Process Step by Step: Learn the Basics”

  1. Very detailed and insightful! You’ve done a great job compiling all the important points of spinning process into this article in a very comprehensive manner. A must read article. Also, one important thing is the use of spinning cans in the yarn spinning process. They find their utility in each stage of the process. Great Job!

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