Zippers are one of the most commonly used devices that connect two edges of a particular thing. We can use the zipper with one hand only, which is very convenient. It is massively used to secure clothing, accessories, bags, shoes, etc. The zipper would last for a long time if you could manage it correctly. Metal zippers may get rusted and can’t be used anymore, but they can work for a long time if you can use them. They are made to withstand wear and tear. Today we are discussing how to Put a Zipper back on Track.
Zippers are adaptable and suited for a variety of applications. There are different varieties of sizes, lengths, and colors. They can be found in numerous other things, including bags, shoes, tents, and clothes. In fashion, zippers are a crucial component of the design. They can be utilized to provide intriguing elements and accents and a contemporary and fashionable touch to garments and accessories.
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Easy Way to Put a Zipper Back on Track
But sometimes we may face some problems, like when a zipper gets stuck, can’t be put back on, or maybe becomes rusted. Putting the zipper back on is very tricky, and we often go to the mechanic to repair it. Let’s explore some tricks and tips by which you can put a zipper back on track:

- First, you have to ensure you have all the necessary tools. You need some tools to put a zipper back on track or repair it. Pliers, scissors, and a seam ripper may be used. Pliers can open up the screw or the hooks, which you can’t open up with your hands. Scissors can be used to cut off the extra edges and remove parts. A seam ripper may be used to connect the edges.
- Next, you have to analyze the problem of the zipper. Try to check the location where the zipper came off. Normally, zippers come off from the bottom. If the zipper didn’t come off from the bottom, it might have come off from the middle, which can be repaired easily.
- If the zipper came unstitched because of a ruptured zipper lift, you could start repairing it by tying a new pull. A replacement zipper pull can be purchased at a garment store or online. Open the zipper pull with pliers and remove the old one. Then, slide the new pull onto the metal tab and close the pull with the pliers.
- After this, check if the zipper teeth have come apart or not. You can do the previous step for some time, and the teeth will disappear. After that, you have to use a seam ripper. A seam ripper will carefully remove the stitches. These stitches may cause jamming, but there are some other stitches that hold the zipper in place. Carefully cut the stitches that are causing jamming. Do not cut the jointing stitches; otherwise, the zipper may fall off.
- Now, you have to zip up the zipper. Lining up the zipper means matching the teeth of each zipper. The two sides of the zipper should be matched equally. The teeth should be arranged in a mess. You have to line up the teeth matching with another. If the teeth don’t match up, the zipper won’t repair quickly. The zipper won’t work smoothly if you can’t align it.
- After aligning the zipper edges, now it is time to line up the zipper tape. With the right side looking ahead, lay the zipper tape flat. Fold the left zipper tape towards the back, following the midline of the tape. To make a crease, press it firmly with your fingers. Place the right zipper tape on top of the left, with the right sides facing each other. The teeth or wires should perfectly interlock.
Along the folded line you made earlier, pin the two tapes together. To keep the tapes aligned, use as many pins as necessary. Sew the tapes together with a zipper foot on your sewing machine. Come from the top of the zipper and stitch all the way down. Make sure to stitch tight to the teeth or coils, but not too close.
- Now you have to use a needle and thread to baste the zipper tape to the garment. When you sew the cloth with the zipper, you can check if the zipper has been repaired or not. But before seeing it, you have to check if it is correctly put on or not. Try to use the zipper sometimes to see if it is working properly.
- Calculate the length of zipper tape required for your garment. The zipper tape should be the same length as the zipper opening you want to close. Mark the center point of the zipper tape as well as the location on the garment where the zipper will be sewn. Pin or clip the zipper tape to the right side of the garment, aligning the zipper tape’s center point with the garment’s center point. The zipper tape’s right side should be facing the right side of the garment. Sew the zipper tape onto the garment with a zipper foot on your sewing machine, beginning at the top and working your way down. Sew as close to the edge as possible.
- Trim the excess zipper tape wherever it is. If you don’t cut off the excess zipper tape, it will not look good in the fabric and will cause jamming. Reattach the top stop of the zipper by using pliers. If you can use your hand, that would be good but try to use pliers for the best outcome.
- After putting the zipper back on tracking your garment, try to see if it is working correctly or not.
Putting the zipper back on track is a tricky task, but you can repair it with some tools and by following these steps. Follow the steps correctly, and you can put the zipper back on track. If you fail to do so, visit the mechanic to repair the zipper. These steps won’t work if the zipper is rusted or broken. Rusted or broken zippers may need to be replaced shortly. It won’t fix with the tools and can’t work properly after fixing it. For long-term use, it is advised to repair it with a new one. Additionally, You can find zipper repair near me everywhere. This will help you to get quick support.