In the relaxation step, the fabric is typically unrolled or unwound and allowed to rest for a certain period. This is done by spreading the fabric on a large table or hanging it in a designated area. By giving the fabric time to settle, any tension or distortion caused by transportation or storage is reduced, ensuring that the fabric is in its natural state before cutting.
Lay Making:
To start the lay-making process, the fabric is spread out on a cutting table. The fabric layers are carefully aligned and stacked on top of each other, creating a single, flat arrangement. This is done by skilled workers who ensure that the fabric is smooth and free from wrinkles or creases. The layers are usually secured in place using weights or temporary adhesive to prevent shifting during the cutting process.

Marker-wise Cutting:
Once the fabric layers are prepared, the cutting operators place marker templates on top of them. These templates are typically made of paper or cardboard and represent the shape and dimensions of each garment piece. The cutting operator follows the outlines of the markers with sharp cutting tools, such as rotary cutters or straight knives, to cut through all the layers of fabric simultaneously. Care is taken to maintain accuracy and precision while cutting to ensure that each garment piece is cut according to the required specifications.
After the fabric pieces are cut, they are assigned identification numbers or labels. This numbering process is typically done by attaching paper tags or using fabric markers to mark each garment piece. The numbers can be sequential or based on a predetermined system. This step is important for tracking and organizing the cut pieces during subsequent stages of production. It allows for easy identification and management of the garments throughout the manufacturing process.
After the garment pieces are numbered, they are bundled together based on specific criteria. This bundling process involves grouping the cut pieces according to their sizes, colors, or other relevant characteristics. The bundles are typically secured with bands or ties to keep the pieces together. Proper bundling ensures that the cut pieces can be easily transported and distributed to the sewing section, where they will be further processed.