Difference Between Plain, Twill, Satin Weave – With 10 Factor

Md Mahedi Hasan


At first let’s see the structural difference between plain twill and satin weave respectively in the following picture

Structural difference between plain twill and satin

Plain Structure vs Twill Structure vs Satin Structure Weave
Plain Structure vs Twill Structure vs Satin Structure Weave

There are huge structural difference between plain weave and twill weave. The difference between difference between plain and twill weave are as follow:

Plain Vs Twill Vs Satin

Here is the difference between Plain, Twill, Satin with 10 differentiator factor.

Differentiator factorsPlainTwillSatin
1. Construction:Interlace in alternate orderPronounced diagonal lineRearranged twill (Only one bending point at each end & picks in repeat)
2. According to binding:HighComparatively lowLowest
3. According to Abating (Longer float):LowestComparatively lowHighest
4. Appearance Texture11 Plain; face, back Same appearanceRegular twill: face, back side Same  Irregular twill: DifferentIf one side shows satin another side shows sateen
5. Thread Density (EPI/PPI)Lowest, because of high interlacementComparatively lowHighest Can be increased
6. Structure & FirmnessHigh firmnesslowLowest
7. ThicknessHighLowLowest
8. Cover factor (How much space the yarn Covered)LowComparatively highHighest
9. Seam StrengthHighLowLowest
10. Mass On GSMLowestLowHighest
Plain Twill satin difference

Learn about: Difference Between Satin and Sateen

About the Author

Md Mahedi Hasan

Mahedi Hasan working as an Executive (Fabric Marketing) at Pengnuo Group. Graduated with B.Sc. in Textile Engineering. Before was a Top Rated content writer at Upwork, and Level 02 Seller at Fiverr, Level 02 Publisher at Ezoic. Very passionate about content writing, SEO practice, and fashion website designing. Highly Experienced fashion writer for the last 4+ years. Have extensive 7 years of experience in the wholesale clothing business.


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