6 Common Properties of Cotton Fiber

6 Common Properties of Cotton Fiber

Physical Properties of Cotton Fiber:  a. Length and Fineness Cotton fibers vary in length, typically ranging from 10 to 50 millimeters. Longer fibers are known as staple fibers. Staple fiber is preferred in textile manufacturing due to its strength and …

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What is Cotton Fiber? 

What is Cotton Fiber

What is Cotton Fiber? Cotton fiber is a soft, fluffy vegetable staple fiber that grows in a ball, around the seeds of the cotton plants of the genus Gossypium. It is one of the most widely used natural fibers in the …

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Properties of Textile Fibers

Properties of Textile Fibers

Understanding the properties of textile fibers is essential for sourcing the right material for a particular order. These properties can be classified into: 1. Physical Properties of Textile Fiber:  Physical properties include fiber length, diameter, and color. Fiber length determines …

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