Porcupine Beater Working Principle

What is Porcupine Beater?

Porcupine Beater is an opening machine, where a photocell bulb regulates feed control. In the Porcupine cleaner machine, cotton tuff material is turned into sheet form compressed, and passed by beating and forwarding actions. Where spike rotation forwards toward beating.

The objective of Porcupine Beater:

  1. To open the lumps of cotton to some extent.
  2. To separate grass and dry broken leaves as impurities.
  3. Clean the cotton fiber to facilitate the next process.
  4. To feed the materials to the next machine of the blow room.

Machine parameter

General Information

Production400 Kg/ Hour
Beater Speed750 to 800 r.p.m.
Dia of Cylinder of Disk24
Width of Cylinder of Disk40
No. of Disk18 Pieces
No. of blade or spike12 Pieces (Rectangular Blade)
No. of Grid bar3 Sets (63 Pieces).
Beater to grid bar10 mm. to 18 mm.
Beater to Feed Roller3″/16 to 1″/4
Porcupine Opener parameter

Porcupine Opener Machine parameter

Working width1060mm
Beater TypeCircular
Blade or SpikeRectangular
Beater Dia Meter610mm
Beater Speed480, 540, 600 RPM
Feed Roller Dia76mm
Steel DiaFixed
Number of Grid Bar63 (21 Set)
Grid Bar SettingInlet Setting: 11-15 mm


Middle Setting: 6-10 mm

Outlet Setting: 4-7 mm

Porcupine Machine parameter

Working principle

Action of Porcupine Opener

  1. Air Current Action
  2. Regulating Action
  3. Beating Action
Porcupine Beater Machine Figure
Porcupine Beater Machine Figure

The cotton fibers or Feed materials are given in two pairs of feed rollers. The feed materials next passage in the porcupine cylinder or Beater. The beater speed is 750-800 r.p.m. The impurities such as grass and dry broken leaves are segregated from cotton by the action of a beater and grid bars. Then the impurities fall into the dead air box through the grid bar hole and materials turned into more small tufts.

Porcupine Cleaner Machine Lab

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