6 Ways to Dress and Impress with Patriotic Looks 

In a world with approx. 8.1 billion unique identities, something that makes us one is the feeling of patriotism in our hearts. We all may be united by borders and language barrios, but our love and respect for our respective countries stand high. 

Patriotism is a value that has been taught to you since childhood in your homes and schools. We sing our national anthem and learn to walk on the path that makes our country proud.  

Image: Dress and Impress with Patriotic Looks

There are many ways to display your love for our country. One of them is including your beloved flag in your daily lives or even in your wardrobe.  

Image: Ways to Dress and Impress with Patriotic Looks

In this article, you will see some ways to dress and impress with patriotic looks. This contemporary approach has simplified how one expresses love for their country. If you love your nation and want to say it out loud by incorporating American stars and stripes as your fashion statement, we have some amazing ways that can make you dress in the colors of patriotism and fashion. 

History of the American Flag in Fashion 

The American flag was used only for military purposes in the late 18th century. It was the post-Civil War (1861-1865) that expanded its use after which it became a commonplace commodity. 

Image: American Post-Civil War (1861-1865)
Image: American Post-Civil War (1861-1865)

Towards the end of the 19th Century, innovations in print techniques triggered an outpouring of patriotic ads and consumer items. Here is when the flag became an important symbol in political meetings, as well as different kinds of commodities like drinks and canned food.  

Image: US Flag in 19th Century
Image: US Flag in 19th Century

It is also notable that it was not until around the 1950s that putting on a flag became a common habit. It was a movement that was accompanied by expressions of support or protest by wearing stars and stripes during the American involvement in the Korean and Vietnam wars. 

Image: Dress with the US Flag

Moreover, some celebrities dressed in the US flag in solidarity in response to 9/11 incidents and other related activities. Such influence gave tremendous rise to American flag-inspired clothing. 

Ways to Dress and Impress with Patriotic Looks 

Given below are some ways to express your patriotism in your outfits:  

1. Flag in Clothing 

The 21st Century has not only seen a rise in technology but also in fashion innovation. Expressing oneself to express one’s love of a country has been a trend lately. The red, blue, and white have conquered the apparel world in America. This surge in American flag clothing has weaved a strong connection between the love for one’s country and fashion.

Image: American Flag in Dress
Image: American Flag in Dress

The American flag comes in t-shirts, hoodies, shorts, or blankets. This unique symbol of embracing one’s nation has even caught the eye of the world.  

2. Stars and Bars on The Hat 

In addition to clothing, the American flag has proved its versatility by getting its symbols printed on hats. The stars and bars are the most important symbols of the US. Including them as a fragment of the flag also means expressing your patriotism. 

Image: Stars and Bars on The Hat
Image: Stars and Bars on The Hat

Since hats are a sign of style and fashion, why not wear one with a part of the flag on it? Hats with stars and stripes not only update you with fashion but also make you super cool. 

3. American Flag on Footwear 

One of the best and most popular ways of wearing the American flag is footwear. Whether it’s your sneakers, flats, or stilettos, the American flag does its job of enhancing your style. 

Image: American Flag on Footwear
Image: American Flag on Footwear

Flags on footwear can be worn to a casual party or a formal event. This perennial item of fashion adds a touch of patriotism to your outfit.  

4. Jewelry That Speaks of Patriotism 

Accessories or jewelry covered in the colors or symbols of the American flag are the highest form of nationalism. Available in various stylish pieces, jewelry is a daily wear that constantly reminds you of your nation. 

Image: Jewelry That Speaks of Patriotism
Image: Jewelry That Speaks of Patriotism

Whether you wear a minimalistic piece or bold jewelry, your patriotism is guaranteed to be displayed in your outfit. These jewelry pieces also come in unisex, making them wearable for anyone who wants to express their love in style.  

5. Bags That Look American 

The most innovative way to wear the ‘Old Glory’ is as bags. Not only are they beneficial to carry things around, but they also take your American spirit wherever you go.  

Image: Bags Look American
Image: Bags Look American

Choose bags that are durable so that the flag doesn’t come off when you carry them around. Whenever you travel, click pictures of the place with your bag as memories as a homage to patriotism even beyond borders.  

6. Patriotism Beyond the Flag 

Besides the American flag, you can also explore fashion pieces or jewelry with prints and symbols that are patriotic. These can be famous monuments, libraries, birds, or texts that hint at American pride. 

Image: Patriotism Beyond the Flag

You can wear them as dresses, accessories, or jewelry. Such an approach gives you an opportunity to experiment with fashion choices while expressing your patriotism. 

Moreover, you can also choose Khaki over the American flag. Khaki, which was a part of the US military uniform, symbolizes safety and trust.  


The inclusion of the U.S. flag in apparel and items completes the fusion of fashion and patriotism. Originally used by the military, the presence of the flag has extended beyond the Civil War. It is now a well-recognized part of clothing that has become popular in the 21st century, making patriotism stylish.  

Apart from clothes, accessories such as hats, shoes, and jewels are other ways of depicting loyalty towards America.  

Using symbols of patriotism other than flags allows more subtle expressions that reflect one’s feelings about being a patriot. Therefore, styling the American flag as your outfit is an excellent blend of expression of individual freedom and love for one’s nation. 

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